Tuesday, December 7, 2010


The ancient Greek philosopher Epictetus said,
" Nature has given to men
one tongue but two ears,
that we may hear from others twice
as much as we speak "

If all of use practiced this formula,
it's amazing how much better
our work and personal lives would be.

Good listeners not only
hear what's being said but
they are also able to understand.

When you let other people feel
like they've been heard and understood,
it opens doors to loyalty,
reduces conflict and creates trust.

Being a good listener improves
your ability to get along
with other people.
There is no doubt
it will help you in personal life.

Thus in short,be a good listener.
Just listen and shut the fuck up!
I mean, come on man...
I just wanna share stories with you,
not listening to u blabbering much!

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